Top 10 Common Kitchen Chimney Issues The Best Way to Fix


In modern kitchens, a kitchen chimney plays a crucial role in maintaining air quality by removing smoke, odors, and airborne grease particles.

However, like any other appliance, Common Kitchen Chimney Issues may encounter issues over time.

Dealing with these problems promptly can ensure your chimney functions efficiently and extends its lifespan.

In this blog, we will discuss various common kitchen chimney issues and provide troubleshooting tips to resolve them effectively.

Troubleshooting common kitchen chimney issues can help you identify and potentially fix problems without the need for professional assistance.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you address some typical issues:

Common Kitchen Chimney Issues

1. Chimney Not Turning On

One of the most common issues faced by homeowners is a kitchen chimney that refuses to turn on. In such cases, the first thing to check is the power connection.

If the power supply is not the problem, then the issue might lie in the switchboard or the chimney’s internal wiring.

2. Excessive noise or vibrations:

Unusual noises emanating from your chimney can be alarming. Rattling, grinding, or scraping sounds may indicate loose parts or accumulated debris.

Turn off the chimney immediately and inspect the fan, motor, and other components for any loose connections.

  • Tighten screws and bolts: Over time, the screws and bolts holding the chimney components may become loose, causing noise and vibrations. Check and tighten all visible screws.

  • Inspect the fan blade: A misaligned or damaged fan blade can create noise. Turn off the chimney and check for any visible damage. Contact a professional if the fan blade needs replacement.

If the issue persists, it’s advisable to seek assistance from a qualified service technician.

3. Low suction or inadequate airflow:

A decline in suction power can render your chimney inefficient in removing smoke and odors.

The primary reason behind weak suction is often a clogged filter.

 Clean the filters thoroughly and regularly as per the manufacturer’s instructions.

If the filters are damaged or excessively worn out, consider replacing them with new ones to restore the chimney’s performance.

  • Clean the filters: Clogged filters are a common cause of reduced suction. Remove the filters (metal or charcoal) and wash them with warm, soapy water.

  • Check the ducting: If your chimney is connected to a duct, make sure it’s not blocked or obstructed. Clear any debris or greasy buildup in the duct.

4. Excessive Smoke in the Kitchen

If you notice a significant amount of smoke lingering in your kitchen despite the chimney being operational, there might be a problem with the ducting.

Check for any blockages or bends in the duct, as these can hinder the smooth flow of smoke out of the kitchen.

Clear any obstructions or seek professional help to repair the ductwork.

5. Foul odor or smoke in the kitchen:

A foul smell emanating from the chimney indicates the presence of grease buildup or mold.

Regular cleaning of the chimney, especially the filters and ducts, can help eliminate such odors.

Additionally, consider using natural cleaning agents like vinegar or baking soda to remove stubborn smells.

  • Clean the chimney interior: Grease and residue buildup inside the chimney can cause unpleasant odors. Clean the interior surfaces using a degreaser or warm soapy water.

  • Check the duct and venting: Ensure that the duct and venting system are properly connected and not blocked. Any obstruction can lead to the re-circulation of smoke and odors in the kitchen.

6. Grease Buildup in the Filters

Over time, the filters in the chimney accumulate grease and grime, affecting their efficiency. Cleaning the filters at least once a month is essential to ensure optimal performance.

 You can use a dishwasher or wash them manually using a mild detergent. Avoid using harsh chemicals that might damage the filters.

7. Chimney Auto-Clean Not Working

Many modern chimneys come equipped with auto-clean features. If the auto-clean function is not working correctly, it could be due to sensor issues or clogged water outlets.

Check the sensors and clean the water outlets thoroughly to restore the auto-clean functionality.

8. Chimney Vibrations

Excessive vibrations from the chimney can be annoying and indicate mounting or alignment problems. Ensure that the chimney is securely mounted and there are no loose screws.

 If the vibrations persist, consult a technician to address the issue promptly.

9. Ineffective Lighting

Some kitchen chimneys come with built-in lighting to illuminate the cooking area. If the lights are flickering or not working, inspect the bulbs and connections.

Replace any faulty bulbs and ensure a proper electrical connection to restore the lighting function.

10. Auto-clean function not working:

  • Refer to the manual: The auto-clean feature can vary between chimney models. Check the user manual for specific instructions on how to use and troubleshoot the auto-clean function.

  • Seek professional help: If the problem persists, contact the manufacturer’s customer service or a qualified technician for assistance.

Always ensure your safety while troubleshooting or attempting any repairs.

If the issue is beyond your expertise, it’s best to seek help from a professional chimney technician.

Regular maintenance and cleaning of your kitchen chimney can help prevent many common issues and ensure it functions efficiently.

Common Kitchen Chimney Issues Maintenance Tips for a Healthy Kitchen Chimney

Regular Cleaning

Perform routine cleaning of the chimney, including the filters, motor, and ducts, to prevent the buildup of grease and dirt.

Filter Replacement

Replace the chimney filters periodically to maintain optimum suction power and prevent odors.

Check for Blockages

Regularly inspect and clear any blockages or obstructions in the ducting to ensure smooth airflow.

Verify Ducting

Ensure that the chimney’s ducting is correctly installed and free from bends or kinks that could hinder smoke extraction.


A kitchen chimney is a vital appliance that helps keep your kitchen free from smoke and odors.

Troubleshooting common issues promptly and following regular maintenance practices will ensure that your chimney functions optimally for years to come.


Get the Best kitchen chimney here


1. How often should I clean my chimney filters?

It is recommended to clean the chimney filters once every month to maintain their efficiency.

2. Can I use the chimney without a filter?

Using the chimney without a filter is not advisable as it can lead to the accumulation of grease and dirt in the ducting.

3. What should I do if my chimney motor stops working suddenly?

If your chimney motor stops working, first check the power connection and fuse.

4. Can I install a chimney myself, or should I hire a professional?

It is best to hire a professional technician for the installation of a kitchen chimney to ensure proper setup and safety.

5. How long does a kitchen chimney typically last?

With regular maintenance, a well-functioning kitchen chimney can last anywhere between 8 to 10 years or more.




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